BIRD Venue Test Event - Jan 4th (Sat)

Fly your whoops and help us test the Venue ready for BIRD!

We really need at least 8 people to attend so there are enough pilots for a decent test

Just £5

This will be your chance to get an inside scoop on the venue and the space we will be flying in. We will have a track set up and expect to get some practice racing in the bag. If you remember last years test event, this will be very similar.

We will be testing a bunch of things ready for BIRD like 
- Different VTX channels so everyone has the very best video possible
- Location of flight line
- Where the start/finish line should be
- Crash gate and final turns
- Timing system prep
- And a load of other boring stuff like power points, cable runs, access to internet you dont need to worry about.

But overall it will be fun and a chance to try out all your chrsitmas presents!

Address: Leasowes High School - Invictus Education Trust, Leasowes High School, Kent Rd, Halesowen B62 8PJ

Parking in the first carpark on the left as you arrive

Arrive: 17:00
Start: 17:30
Finish: 22:00

See you in 2025!v

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Date: 04/01/25

Location: B62 8PJ

Series: BTW Club

Season: 2025

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Registered Pilots (5)